Sunday, April 23, 2017


Venture Crew 860

Scouting and Outdoor Adventure for high-school aged youth in Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, and the South Bay

Venture Crew 860 is chartered by the Hermosa Beach Rotary Club and welcomes new high school age members, both male and female. We meet once a month on a Sunday afternoon from 4-5 PM at the Hermosa Beach Scout House (Valley Park).
Venture Crew 860's focus is outdoor adventure, service, leadership and planning, and outdoor skills. The Venture Crew encourages members who are Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts to also remain active with their current troop in addition to participating in Crew outings. You also need not be a Scout to participate- a love of the outdoors, service and adventure is all that's required. Parents are welcome to participate in outings too.
The adult advisors (leaders) have extensive Girl Scout and Boy Scout experience in camping, backpacking, and international scout travel,  which enables the crew to chose from a wide variety of outdoor activities.
Meetings: Once a month on Sunday afternoons from 4-5 PM.
Outings: Our crew hikes, backpacks, does an annual shooting outing, and does service projects.

Email:  For information about Venture Crew 860, please contact